Stickers for the Nishitetsu 7000

To give a realistic appearance to the front of the train, we tried some clear stickers. The look closely matches the original train, and there are many destination sign combinations possible. So many actually, that we might have to reduce the number to make it easier to place. Right now it requires two pieces, which are quite small.

On the left is a train without the sticker (with just some small amount of black and white to better blend the sticker), and on the right a train with the sticker.

Prototype Nishitetsu after first painting

Today we tried completing the colors on the Nishitetsu 7000 shorty model. The red lines are challenging to get perfect, so the lines will be provided as stickers as an alternative.

The colors look good together, these will become the recommended colors for this train.

Testing colors for the Nishitetsu 7000 series

We got three colors from popular paint brands to find the best match for quick coloring without having to mix paint.
The colors that we picked from left to right were Gaia Notes WG-01, Mr. Color 20 and Mr. Color 314.

From a quick test, we can see the best fit would be the Gaia Notes color, the others a bit too green. We will use this one for the prototype!

First test of the Nishitetsu 7000 Series

Here we are with the first print of the Nishitetsu 7000 Series! In this picture you can really see how priming the printed model can make a difference in spotting out details! The roof is really impressive with all the embossed ridges.

This is a very interesting little 2 car train that has some really bright colors. Next up is finding the colors to make it come to life!